Prices & Rates

Prices May Vary According to Area and Distance

Prices & Rates

Prices may vary according to area and distance

Our first priority is to provide affordable and safe bus service to our community. The prices are all flexible and may vary according to location. This section doesn’t provide detailed prices because each borough and every route is different based on the logistics of the pick-ups. We encourage you to call us with your needs and hopefully we can be of service. Summer camps are encouraged to call us and send us there route along with trip itineraries so we can set up our trip schedules. There are no refunds for services that have been paid for.

  • $240 one way 
  • $320 round trip 
  • 2 Children $400 one way / $500 roundtrip 
  • 3 Children $500 one way /  $650 roundtrip

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