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The Myth of “Just Do It”

If you’re having trouble getting motivated to exercise more, don’t expect to suddenly change your behavior by telling yourself to “just do it”. This is a great phrase for those who are already “doing it” and are feeling a moment of laziness. The phrase backfires, however, with people who aren’t in the “action” stage of behavior change. “It’s because change…

Gluten-Free Diet

Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, barley, and derivatives of these grains. A gluten-free diet is traditionally used to treat individuals that suffer from Celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder of the small intestine that is triggered by an individual’s intolerance or hypersensitivity to gluten. Celiac disease can manifest in a variety of symptoms, from gastrointestinal to neurological, and…


People everywhere are turning to quinoa for an excellent, meat-free, complete source of low-fat protein. The high-protein content of this vegetable seed—often mistakenly called a grain—means quinoa has a much lower carbohydrate content than grains, as well as a lower glycemic index. It is also low in sodium and unlike some grains, is completely gluten-free. Quinoa contains a range of…

Vitamins A-Z

Some vitamins are water-soluble. This means they dissolve in liquid or fluids. Since your body is mostly made up of fluid, you can quickly and easily absorb water-soluble vitamins. They also leave the body quickly through fluid loss such as urination. That is why sometimes your urine may appear bright yellow. Some vitamins are better taken two or three times every…

Rainy Day Ideas

by Madisyn Taylor The arrival of one or more rainy days can also be interpreted as a signal to slow down and contemplate life. The simple miracle of water falling from the sky has been interpreted in many ways by many cultures. In various areas of the world, rain was viewed as a nourishing gift, given by well-pleased deities. Rain…

Stop the Insanity!

Stop the Insanity.  Sometimes we can get carried away trying to fix blemishes, wrinkles, puffy eyes.  We are all either searching for the fountain of youth or acne free radiating skin.  There is a simple tool from the doctors who created Proactive Solutions to address Rosacea, Acne, Dark Spots and the signs of aging.  Whether your 18 or 81 it’s…

Not All Sugar is Equal

I get it. I really do. The craze about cutting back on sugar comes with promises of weight loss and looking great in your beachwear this summer—and those promises do deliver. The benefits to the body of eliminating or reducing processed sugar intake have become indisputable: reduction in weight, healing from heart disease and diabetes, less joint aches and muscle…


Every once in a while, it’s a good idea to, as they say, stop and smell the roses.  In this fast-paced world in which we live, we often find ourselves focused on the wrong things and putting precious time and energy in the wrong directions.  When you step back and really take a look at life, you begin to see…

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