
SPICE Up Your Life!

Tumeric Delivers Definite Health Benefits Clinical trials prove turmeric is more powerful than the popular treatments in your medicine cabinet - without side effects! Tumeric is a spice of yellow orange color, Curcumin is one of the several compounds found in turmeric which gives it its color and anti-inflammatory properties. It is used a lot in curry powder and mustards.…

Longevity and Omega 3

By Sean Field More recent data show the biological effects that omega-3s confer extend beyond cardiovascular issues and impact virtually every aspect of our health. Fish-oil benefits range from improved cognition to reduction of metabolic disorders. The Many Benefits of Fish Oil Fish oils, rich in anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats, are well-established as cardioprotective nutrients. New evidence supports the benefits of…

Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3, also called cholecalciferol, is the form of vitamin D the body naturally makes from sunlight. Vitamin D2, also called ergocalciferol, is sometimes used in supplements. Most experts recommend taking vitamin D3 rather than D2 because it is the form that is naturally made by the body. Vitamin D3 may also be easier to absorb. The final benefit of…

Vitamins A-Z

Some vitamins are water-soluble. This means they dissolve in liquid or fluids. Since your body is mostly made up of fluid, you can quickly and easily absorb water-soluble vitamins. They also leave the body quickly through fluid loss such as urination. That is why sometimes your urine may appear bright yellow. Some vitamins are better taken two or three times every…

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