
100 Day Challenge

Someday has arrived… Once upon a time… Not too many years ago… There was a young woman… Who dreamed great dreams… Who imagined a wonderful life… But instead of taking action… She chose to say someday… She promised herself that… Someday… She was going to write a book… She was going to get in great shape…, she was going to…

Rainy Day Ideas

by Madisyn Taylor The arrival of one or more rainy days can also be interpreted as a signal to slow down and contemplate life. The simple miracle of water falling from the sky has been interpreted in many ways by many cultures. In various areas of the world, rain was viewed as a nourishing gift, given by well-pleased deities. Rain…


Every once in a while, it’s a good idea to, as they say, stop and smell the roses.  In this fast-paced world in which we live, we often find ourselves focused on the wrong things and putting precious time and energy in the wrong directions.  When you step back and really take a look at life, you begin to see…

Hot Yoga

I find it fabulous for Joint Pain, the heat is an added benefit for those suffering from inflamed joints and muscles.  I practice yoga at least once a week in high temperature. Don’t give up on it before you start especially if you say you don’t like heat. The practice of “asanas” or postures is the physical form of Yoga,…

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